Obituaries submitted by
Nancy Leeg Jankowski

           C.B. LEEG DIES AT COUNTRY HOME             Oct 1928
              Prominent farmer succumbs to Illness at Age of 70 Years.
        Charles B. Leeg,70, farmer, died at his home near Robards at 10:25
o'clock Tuesday Morning following as illness of complication of diseases.
        Mr. Leeg is well known in the county and has many friends who will
mourn his death. He is survived by his wife, Luvica Belle Williams Leeg, five children,
Mrs. Lew Robards of Smith Mills, Mrs. Marion L. McElroy and Mrs.

Oran W. Overfield of Robards; John W. Leeg of Connersville, Ind., and Charles S. Leeg of Robards.
One sister, Mrs John Williams Todd (Nancy Catherine Leeg) of Henderson.

        Funeral services will be held at the Pleasant Valley cemetery at 3:30
Wednesday afternoon. Interment will be in Pleasant Valley cemetery.

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