Rev. A. Hatchitt

by Edmund Starling, 1886

REV. A. HATCHITT is a son of Rev. Wm. Hatchitt; he was born in Lunenburg County, Virginia, on the twenty-third day of July,1817, and came with his parents to Kentucky in 1828. His father settled in Henderson county, on the road leading from Henderson to Owensboro, about eight miles from Henderson. His father and mother being earnest Christian people, Mr. Hatchitt had most excellent moral training in his early raising, but he grew out from under parental control, and became wild, and loved to associate with the "fast young men" of the day. But, becoming deeply impressed on the subject of religion, he at once quit his wild ways, and became a devoted Christian man. He was baptized by Rev. R. G. Garnett, and became a member of Grave Creek Church in 1838. Soon after this he procured a letter from that church, and joined Bethel Church, where he has remained an honored member ever since.

He began preaching in the year 1844, and was ordained at Bethel Church September 7th, 1845, Elders K. G. Hay, Wm. Whayne and Joseph Board, officiating. He has been Pastor of Bethel, Zion, Cash Creek, Grave Creek and Cherry Hill Churches. He has been a very successful preacher, both as pastor and evangelist. The matter of his preaching has always been good. His modesty has prevented him from being more widely known, and he never sought to be noticed. We are indebted for these notes to a friend of his. He has done more preaching for less pay, so far as this world's goods are concerned, than any other minister in Henderson County. He has, perhaps, married twice as many people as any preacher now living in the county. Several years ago, he had the misfortune to lose the wife of his early manhood, since which time his life has seemed lonely; but his labors have not abated, and with a life of "good work" behind him, he is ready for the reward just before him, and there are none to doubt that the reward will be full.

The History of Henderson County, Kentucky by Starling 1887 page 737;

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