CHARLES MITCHUSON, the eldest child of Ning Mitchuson and Maria A. Rudy,
was born at Princeton, Kentuck, on the twenty-seventh day of May, 1863. He
received a liberal education, and has ever been highly esteemed for his
social qualities. On the twenty-fourth day of November, 1886, he married
Miss Laura Barnett, of Henderson, a niece of the late Esquire John E.
McCallister, and a young lady combining all of the graces of gentle
womanhood necessary to make her husband's home and life all that this poor
world can give. They are happily mated, and the writer hopes that their
lives may be uninterrupted by a single jar. Mr. Mitchuson, a year or more
ago, embarked in the merchant tailoring business, and is to-day at the head
of one of the largest establishments, carrying a well assorted and various
stock of goods in his line. Life shines brightly before him and may he
realize it.
The History of Henderson County, Kentucky by Starling 1887 page 695;