Ning Mitchuson

by Edmund Starling, 1886

The subject of this sketch is one of those peculiarly good, big-hearted men whom all men respect, and who, in return, lets his light so shine, that he is universally beliked by all with whom he is acquainted. If the writer may be permitted to advance a remark, without being accused of soothing, by praise, he will say that there cannot, perhaps, be found in this land a man embodying more of the characteristics of a philosopher. He is, to a great degree, a student of moral and intellectual science, and certainly no man takes the trials incident to life more calmly than does he. Well, to make, what could be made with truth, a long story come within the scope of a biographical work of this magnitude, we will say that Mr. Mitchuson, whose name appears at the head of this article, is a son of Col. James F. Mitchuson and Elizabeth Young, native Kentuckians. His grandfather Mitchuson fought with other gallant Kentuckians at the battle of New Orleans, and was one among the distinguished. Our subject was born at Princeton, Kentucky, on the twenty-ninth day of August, 1832, and was educated at Cumberland College. In 1861 he married Miss Maria A. Rudy, at her home in Lyon County, Kentucky. Mrs. Mitchuson is a daughter of Wm. Rudy, an early citizen of Henderson, and a granddaughter of James Alves, one of the earliest comers here, and great-granddaughter of Walter Alves, one of the partners in the Henderson grant. Her birthright dates back to 1797 and no better stock is to be found in Kentucky. These two good people have had born unto them four children, Charles, Mary Alves, Bessie and Maggie Rudy, all living. There is a no more happy home sunshine around the hearth at all seasons. Mr. Mitchuson followed farming in Caldwell County, after arriving at his majority, up to the year 1862, when he came to Henderson. Since his life here, he has followed farming, occasionally indulging in a harmless speculation that could in no wise cripple, even though it resulted contrary to his wish. He has never held an office and was never a candidate for one, though, upon a number of occasions, he has been an active participant in the interest of his friends. He is a loyal Democrat. Many years ago he was baptised in the Baptist faith and connected himself with the "Blue Spring" Church, of Caldwell County. Since his residence in this county, latterly, at least, he has shown himself more of a latitudinarian than one wedded to any one religious sect. He is liberal in his church views and gives, as he has often said, "every man a chance for his white alley."

The History of Henderson County, Kentucky by Starling 1887 page 694-95;

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