1852 predictions

Taken from a Special Edition of "The Gleaner"
printed November 21, 1999
permissive use granted by Editor
newspaper provided by Vonette Shelton-Curtis

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1852 New Year's predictions feature just a hint of sarcasm

By Frank Boyett
of The Gleaner staff

Cynicism about politics and marriage is not a recent development, juding from a humorous article published Jan. 6, 1853, by the Henderson Democratic Banner. At that time, newspapers tended to dwell more on national and international news than on local news. Fictions, poetry and humor were also staples. The Democratic Banner perhaps made a misprint when it published the following under the headline: "Predictions for 1852." Considering that 1852 had just come to a close, though, perhaps that was part of the joke. And it was certainly making jokes in the rest of the article. Her are some excerpts:


Politicians will make fools of others; and women with pretty faces will make fools of both.

There will be a great cry and no wook, both at the shearing of pigs and the meeting of Congress.

Whoever is in love will think his mistress a perfect angel and will ony find out the truth of his suspicion by getting married.

He who marries next year runs a great risk, especially if he does it in a hurry.

If hoops (hoop skirts) go out of fashion, a church pew will hold more than three ladies.

If dandies war their beards, there will be less work for barbers; and he who wears mustaches will have something to sneeze at.

Many people will drink more strong liquor than will be necessary to keep them sober and take more medicine than will be requisite to the enjoyment of good health.

It is quite likely that when no business is doing, many will be heard to complain of hard times; but it is equally certain that all who hag themselves will escape starvation.

Dinners and entertainments will be given to those who have enough at home; and the poor will receive much advise gratis (free), legal and medical excepted.

There will be a tremendous noise all over the country when it thunders, and tremendous dust kicked up occasionally by the coach horses.

On certain occasions during the year the sun will rise before certain people discover it, and set before they have finished their day's work.

transcribed by Tina Hall 5-28-2007

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