History of Henderson County, Kentucky


The year 1810 found the village of Henderson with a much smaller population than it was reported to have had in 1800. The census return for 1800 gave Henderson a population numbering two hundred and five souls; the census return for 1810 gave a population of one hundred and fifty-nine souls. There was evidently a mistake in the first enumeration, and.this is to be accounted for on the the ground of ignorance on the part of those employed to take the list. It is highly probably, and no doubt the fact, that the population of a greater part, if not the entire surrounding country, was accredited to the town in the census if 1800; certainly there was no falling off in the population from 1800 to 1810. The census return for 1800 gave Henderson County a population of one thousand four hundred and sizty-eight souls, and Henderson County at that time embraced all of the territory now embraced in the four Counties of Henderson, Hopkins, Union and Webster. The return for 1810 places the population at four thousand seven hundred and three souls, an increase of three thousand two hundred and thirty-five, and yet Hopkins County embracing a territory forty miles in length and twenty six in breadth had been taken from Henderson. It may be taken as a settled fact, therefore, that there is an important inaccuracy somewhere, and most positively certain that the village of Henderson did not contain a population of two hundred and five souls actual residents during the year 1800.

It is very much to be doubted if the village of Henderson contained a legitimate population of one hundred and fifty-nine souls in 1810, for, by reference to the poll books of an election held on the first day of May, 1819, for the purpose of choosing five trustees of the village, only twenty-one votes were recorded. Estimating the population at seven to the voter, and assuming that the vote owing to its importance was pretty near a full one, the population of the place at that time would have been only one hundred and forty-seven.

History of Henderson County, Kentucky
by Edmund L. Starling
pps. 179 - 180
published in 1887
public domain material

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