History of Henderson County, Kentucky


One of the most heartless acts of outlawry ever perpetrated in the county, was the whipping of Cora Walker, in June, 1862. Mr. Walker was a miserly sort of man, and it was thought possessed a large sum of money hidden away. Seven men appeared at his cabin in the dead hour of night, and, taking him out, demanded his money. He refused, and thereupon was soundly whipped, hickory withes being used as instruments of torture. He finally gave up what he had, but with this the gang was not satisfied, and demanded more. Failing to get it, the last was again applied, and then the poor man left to make the best of it. From this whipping a severe fever set up, and a few days after Mr. Walker died. He was a brother-in-law of Mr. J. T. Sandefer, of Geneva, and died at his home.

History of Henderson County, Kentucky
by Edmund L. Starling
p. 818
published in 1887
public domain material

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