History of Henderson County, Kentucky


At the March term of the Circuit Court James Davis was indicted for felonously counterfeiting money. He was tried, and sent to the State prison for three years. A specimen of his work is on file in the Circuit Court Clerk's office, and is certainly the equal of any engraving done at this day. With the exception of the paper used, the work is very superior.

At thie term of the court Assistant Judge Knox was again indicted for the exercise of one of his youthful indiscretions, which seemed to hang to him in his comparative old age.

Walter Alves, who had been commissioned to fill the vacancy occasioner by the resignation of Dr. Adam Rankin, Associate Judge, produced his commission and was qualified at the June term.

History of Henderson County, Kentucky
by Edmund L. Starling
p. 146
published in 1887
public domain material

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