History of Henderson County, Kentucky


The News, Ben. Harrison Publisher and Editor, is the oldest established paper in Henderson, having been successfully published for near a quarter of a century. It is Democratic in politics, and bold and outspoken in all matters of public concern. Mr. Harrison is one of, if not the oldest, editor in the State, and wields a pen unsurpassed for grace and pleasing diction. The News was for a number of years the official organ of the city.

THE JOURNAL was incorporated in November, and appeared first, December 10th, 1883. It was organized by a stock company and was sold in June, 1884, to Messrs. John A. Lyne and Starling L. Marshall. It is a folio 31x41 inches, and Democratic in politics. Its first editors were, Hon. M. Yeaman and E. L. Starling. The Journal is now the official organ of the city.

THE GLEANER--A history of the Gleaner will be found in the sketch of its founder, C. C. Givens, published elsewhere in this column.

THE REPORTER, purchased and removed by Judge J. F. Simmons, several years since, to Sardis, Mississippi, was established in Henderson in 1853, by Colonel C. W. Hutchen and E. W. Worsham. For thirty years it was a tower of strength in Henderson. The Reporter was the immediate successor of the "Banner," published by Hutchen & Rickett. The Columbian was the first paper published in Henderson, then the South Kentuckian. There have been several other papers published: The Courier, Commercial, Tri-Weekly Sun, Daily Times, Sentinel, Free Lance, &c.

History of Henderson County, Kentucky
by Edmund L. Starling
p. 822
published in 1887
public domain material

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