Onton Nov 3. W W Ashby a well known and highly respected citizen, died here Monday night at 11 o'clock of complications. He was 79 years, 5 months and 4 days of age. He joined the Methodist Church at Onton in early life and was a faithful member until his death. The deceased was married to Miss Elvira Luck on September 13 1870, wwho died several years ago leaving three children. On August 25 1897, he was married to Miss Ethel Davis who with three children survive. The children by his first marriage are J Marshall Ashby of Madisonville, Mrs Leona Hancock of Onton and Mrs Omelia Davis of Herrin, Ill. His children by his second marriage are Everett, Mrs Hewlett Jackson of Beech Grove and Mrs Vera Ashby. Two brothers also survive, M G Ashby of Beech Grove and George H Ashby of Bellingtom?, Wash.
He enlisted in the Civil war October 30, 1861 on Co K 25th Ky inft. He was in some of the fiercest battles, such as Shilo, Chickamaga, Ft Dondaldson and Lookout Mountain.
Funeral services were held here Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock with interment in the Old Onton cemetery. - *Heydey of Onton - 1921NOTE: Bellingtom, Wash. is probably Bellingham. I happen to live in Washington state. Tina Hall