The McClendon Family Letters

NOTE: These pages were created by Betty Sellers.

In 1992 I had the pleasure of corresponding on Prodigy with Henderson County and Webster County Researchers. Robert W. Wallace of Rocky Mount, N.C. at that time shared letters of his McClendon Ancestors. These letters tell not only of the family, but their joy and sorrow. A special 'thank you' to Bob for sharing these letters once again with the Henderson County families.

Benjamin F. McClendon ca. 1768 N.C.

Joel McClendon 1803-Henderson Co.,Ky.

About the McClendon's

Pre-Marital Agreement

Letter from Sarah McClendon , wife of Benjamin MCCLENDON, to her sons, Joel, William, and Jessie. It appears to be her attempt to convey to them a number of facts about their life during the early years the family spent in Kentucky; and to give them her view of their father's character and personality, as well as his physical traits. It is obvious that Sarah was not a highly educated woman, but was very capable of making her point on a number of social, family, and political issues of her day. Her sense of humor is apparent as she describes several events from that era. More letters from Sarah to her sons, Joel and Benjamin and her parents.

 Some Tales of the McClendon Cemetery by Ora Chandler permission of Robert Wallace

 McClendon Cemetery

 Price Cemetery

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